Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. But what does inhaling smoke actually do to your body? A LOT of damage.
When you smoke, toxins are carried to every organ in your body and carbon monoxide keeps your blood from carrying the amount of oxygen it would on a normal basis. These two effects together keep your body from working the way it should.
Well a lot is known about the association of lung and oral cancer with smoking, did you know that smoking can increase hip fractures?
How about its linkage to pancreas, stomach, kidney and bladder cancer?
Smoking can affect gum disease and thus tooth loss, premature birth and pregnancy complications, and cataracts.
With these resounding reasons to quit, why are there still smokers? Well, most smokers actually want to quit. If you’re in that group, don’t be discouraged. It took most of today’s ex-smokers more than one try, too.
Quitting is hard. Physically, your body is reacting to the lack of nicotine. Psychologically, your mind is struggling to give up the habit. But it is possible and each cigarette you skip, the better you’ll feel.