From keeping you pain-free to telling the best jokes, we’re grateful for everything dentists do. Here are 5 reasons to thank your dentist on March 6, National Dentist Day.
1. They can help prevent dental disease or detect it early enough to stop it.
Dentists are trained to detect early signs of dental diseases such as tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer. People with severe gum disease may also be susceptible to developing coronary artery disease, so your dentist really has a unique ability to help prolong your life.
2. They can give you a healthier smile in mere minutes!
In a couple of 30 to 60-minute office visits, your dentist gets rid of all the nasty stuff that can turn into cavities and helps protect the health of your teeth. That’s truly something to be thankful for!
3. They can help your child practice good oral health from a young age.
Your child’s first dental visit should occur by age 1 or six months after the first tooth erupts. It’s like a well-child visit to your pediatrician. At the visit, the dentist gives parents oral health information and helps your child get used to dental appointments. There’s no better way to ensure that parents and their children know how important oral health is from an early age.
4. They keep you out of pain.
Not only do they solve the tooth problems that ail you, but modern-day dentists are extremely skilled at pain prevention during procedures. Many dentists also incorporate relaxation techniques into the exam room, including televisions and even aromatherapy.
5. They tell the best jokes.
Even the bad ones are good! Here’s one of our favorites: What is a dentist’s office? A filling station.
Happy National Dentist Day and a special thanks to all of our Delta Dental dentists! 🙂