It’s Earth Day and helping decrease your environmental impact touches every part of our lives. Reducing waste is not just about recycling, composting and turning down the thermostat. Being a steward to the environment can even involve your dental health. So, here are some tips … [Read more...]
Are You Flossing?
Make Your Gums Happy: Floss
Do you mean to floss but never get around to it? Are you ashamed to admit it to your dental hygienist? More of us need to floss, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). According to an ADA survey, only half of Americans say they floss once a day and one in 10 say … [Read more...]
Are You Flossing?
Are you flossing? We hope so, as flossing is so important to your oral health. Let us know how your flossing is going in the comments below. … [Read more...]