Give your teeth some extra flossing and smile your best smile because Tooth Fairy Day is February 28! In honor of Tooth Fairy Day, we took a poll of parents in Virginia to find out what the going rate for a tooth is these days. According to The Original Tooth Fairy Poll®, … [Read more...]
What is A Tooth Worth?
How much are kids getting for lost baby teeth these days? The average gift from the Tooth Fairy was $2.42 last year, up 32 cents from $2.10 in 2011, according to The Original Tooth Fairy Poll® sponsored by Delta Dental.1 The most common amount left under the pillow was … [Read more...]
The Tooth Fairy’s International Friends
The Tooth Fairy has many international friends! To see a larger version of this picture, click here. What friends did you think the Tooth Fairy had? Tell us in the comments. For more great Tooth Fairy tidbits, Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or on Pinterest! … [Read more...]