Black and blue bumps aren’t just for skinned knees. If your tot is teething, you may notice a bruise-colored bump on your child’s gums. Parental instincts may tell you to think the worst, but that black-and-blue bump is likely nothing to worry about. The discoloration is probably … [Read more...]
Allergeez: Can Spring Flowers Bring Toothache Power?
Love, Orlando and flowers are all exciting “blooms.” However, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, the last bloom may not sound so appealing. … [Read more...]
Beat the New Year’s Odds: Reach Your Resolutions!
Every year on January 1st, a magic motivation fills the air. New Year’s resolutions lead to a path paved with wishes and gold. It’s a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. … [Read more...]
Using your Coverage at the Dentist
Do you have a dental visit scheduled for 2015? Kudos for planning ahead! … [Read more...]
Why You Need Dental Insurance
Looking for ways to keep your family healthy? Good food, exercise and regular doctor checkups are important. But, so is dental insurance. Regular dental visits keep both your teeth and body healthy. Studies tell us that people with dental benefits are 50 percent more likely to … [Read more...]