We could all stand to eat more vegetables. But what’s a junk food fanatic to do when pizza sounds a lot more appetizing than steamed broccoli? Fake it ‘til you make it with one of our favorite greens. … [Read more...]
5 Traditions to Fall for this Autumn
Many would argue that everything is better in autumn. Football fans come out of hibernation, crunchy leaves excite the senses, and pumpkin lattes comfort the soul. Celebrate the season with these 5 spins on traditional fall favorites: … [Read more...]
Get Back to Basics for Back-to-School Smiles
School is (almost) back in session! The books are in place and the school supplies are ready. Even the doctor’s visit is done…but what about a visit to the dentist? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, more than 40% of kids have tooth decay before they reach … [Read more...]
After-School Snacks for Every Schedule
Back-to-school season signals sports, schedules and one other important staple -- snacks. If you hear, “I’m hungry!” the second your child hops in the car, you’re in good company. It’s common for kids to have an appetite after school. School-aged children eat early in the day, … [Read more...]
I Scream, You Scream, Your Teeth Scream for Ice Cream!
Ice cream is the cherry on top of the dessert sundae. In fact, ice cream is the most popular dessert in America. What makes a scoop so sinfully sweet? Most commercial ice creams are high in fat and loaded with added sugar. … [Read more...]