It’s 3 a.m. You are sleeping peacefully dreaming of a beautiful grassy meadow filled with beautiful flowers. Why after such peaceful dreaming do you feel so tired in the morning? You also notice your jaw feels awfully sore and you have a hard time opening your mouth to eat … [Read more...]
5 Overlooked Impacts of Drinking on your Dental Health
Think having a few drinks with dinner or going to happy hour is harmless? When done in moderation, it may be; but, when drinking leads to intoxication, your mouth might pay the price. Think about the last time you went to bed three sheets to the wind. Did you remember to brush … [Read more...]
Stressed Out and Feeling Groggy?
Feeling tired after a full night’s sleep? Have a headache first thing in the morning? These might not be signs that you are having nightmares instead of counting sheep. It could be that you clench or grind your teeth at night. Clenching and grinding your teeth often … [Read more...]